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Autorzy: J[aak] Minten, S. Sukehiro, T Möllhoff, W[ojciech] Dyszkiewicz, W[illem] Flameng, K. U. Leuven.
Tytuł: Influence of preservation solution on high energy phosphate (HEP) catabolism after single-dose cardioplegic arrest and during cold storage of donor hearts.
Czasopismo: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.
Szczegóły: 1989 : Vol.21, suppl. IV, s. 90.
Uwagi: Program and Abstracts of the 10th Meeting of the International Society for Heart Research (European Section). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 7-9 September 1989.

Autorzy: Tomasz Siminiak, Henryk Wysocki.
Tytuł: Modification of neutrophil functions after treatment with isosorbide dinitrate and molsidomine.
Czasopismo: J. Mol. Cell Cardiol.
Szczegóły: 1989 : Vol. 21, suppl. IV, s. S36.
Uwagi: 10th European Section Meeting International Society for Heart Research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 7-9, 1989. Program and abstracts.
Typ publikacji: ZSZ

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