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Autorzy: Ate G.J. van der Zee, Nicoletta Colombo, Gerald Gitsch, Nicolas Reed, Frederic Amant, David Cibula, Vesna I. Kesic, Rainer Kimmig, Alberto D.B. Lopes, Janina Markowska, Christian Marth, Alexander Radolakis, Helga Salvesen, Daiva Vaitkiene, René H.M. Verheijen, Paolo Zola.
Tytuł: ESGO statement on the role of CA-125 measurement in follow-up of epithelial ovarian cancer. [Comment on: Verheijen R.H., Cibula D., Zola P., Reed N., Council of the European Society of Gynaecologic Oncology. Cancer antigen 125: lost to follow-up?: a European society of gynaecological oncology consensus statement. Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer. 2012; 22 (1): 170-4]
Czasopismo: Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer
Szczegóły: 2012 : Vol. 22, nr 1, s. 175, bibliogr.
Typ publikacji: ZK


Autorzy: David Cibula, Rene Verheijen, Alberto Lopes, Frederic Amant, Uziel Beller, Nicoletta Colombo, Gerald Gitsch, Vesna Kesic, Rainer Kimmig, Janina Markowska, Christian Marth, Nicholas Reed, Alexandros Rodolakis, Helga Salvesen, Daiva Vaitkiene, Ate G.J. van der Zee, Paolo Zola.
Tytuł: Training in bowel and upper abdominal surgery in gynaecological oncology : European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) Statement.
Czasopismo: Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer
Szczegóły: 2011 : Vol. 21, nr 7, s. 1264-1265, bibliogr.
Typ publikacji: ZL

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