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Autorzy: [Zofia] Adamczewska-Goncerzewicz, M[ieczysław] Wender, A[ndrzej] Goncerzewicz, J[adwiga] Pankrac.
Tytuł: Lipids of oligodenroglial fraction in MNU induced encephalopathy.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 22.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: Lesław J. Maziarz, Antoni Godlewski.
Tytuł: Morphological and histochemical changes in the Ammon's horn and the cortex of cerebellum provoked by intoxication with zinc chloride.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 21.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: W[itold] Woźniak.
Tytuł: Myelin formation un the human peripheral nervous sytem.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 25.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: M[ieczysław] Wender, M[irosław] Kozik, A[ndrzej] Goncerzewicz.
Tytuł: Myelin-axon relation in light of experimental studies.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 32.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: A[leksander] Piechowski, M[ieczysław] Wender, W[itold] Spieszalski, M[aria] Śniatała-Kamasa.
Tytuł: Optic nerve in chronic TET intoxication.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 27.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: M[irosław] B. Kozik, J[ózef] Szczech, E[ugeniusz] Sosiński.
Tytuł: Pathomorphology of the brain in poisoning by inorganic zinc comopounds.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 20.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: K[atarzyna] Węclewicz-Kruczyńska, W[itold] Woźniak.
Tytuł: The human spinal cord during embryonic period proper.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 29.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

Autorzy: J[adwiga] Wigowska-Sowińska, M[arek] Pietrzak, G[rażyna] Gramza.
Tytuł: The neurosecretory function of the hypothalmus after ingestion of the cyncotox.
Tytuł całości: W: Abstracts of the Symposium on Spongious Degeneration of the Nervous System (Clinical and experimental aspects) and Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology of the Development and Aging organized by the Polish Neuropathological Society and the German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy. Cracow-Poland, 17-20 IX 1980.
Adres wydawniczy: [Kraków, 1980]
Strony: s. 24.
Typ publikacji: PSZ

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